
Canadian Red Cross Opens 7 Vacancies

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-basedreconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelterconstruction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiariesaffected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2005.We are also implementing Livelihood, Environmental Health and DisasterPreparedness Management programs to help families and communities to improvetheir live quality.

These positions will support the Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) and theCanadian Red Cross Field Teams for the implementation of the Integratedcommunity-based disaster risk reduction (ICBRR) program in the targetedcommunities in NAD and Nias where Canadian Red Cross is rebuilding houses,and for the facilitation of the integrating ICBRR programs into CRC sectorprograms such as Livelihoods, environmental health and shelter.

JOB TITLE: Integrated Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (ICBRR) FIELDOFFICERS (7 vacancies)

Department/Service: Disaster Management
Location: NAD Province (Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang), Nias (Lahewa)
Title of Immediate Supervisor: Field Area Manager or Head of Nias Sub-Office(Management), PMI DM Head and CRC-Disaster Preparedness Program Manager(Technical)
Initial Contract period: 3 months; extendable one year.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Area Field Manager/Head ofSub-Office and the technical supervision of DM head of PMI NAD/Medanchapters and CRC DM Program Manager, the ICBRR Officer will provideassistance to socialize, facilitate, supervise, coordinate and implement alldisaster preparedness program activities including community capacitybuilding on disaster preparedness and Hazard, vulnerability and capacityassessment (HVCA), community disaster planning, plan implementation,community-based early warning system/emergency communication, schooldisaster risk reduction and the capacity building of PMI.


* At least Bachelor's degree in any fields of development studies;
* Good writing and communication skill in English & Bahasa;
* Good leadership, supervisory & management skill;
* Good knowledge on geographic and environment of the area ofassignment;
* Excellent knowledge of computer operation (Windows, Excel, PowerPoint)
* At least two years of field experience. Previous experience in therelevant field or community approach (RCRC experience will be treated as anadded value).
* Experience of participatory assessment, program planning andmanagement including financial management.
* Experience of writing progress reports
* Good facilitation skills


1. Facilitate and Assist the formation of community-based action teams(CBATs) in the area of assignment.

2. Provide support in the Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment(HVCA), community disaster planning and implementation of the communitybased disaster risk reduction plans in the area of assignment.
3. Provide support to implement community based early warning systemand school disaster risk reduction activities in selected communities andschools.
4. Carry out activities to enhance planning and management capacitiesof PMI officials at branch and sub-branch levels.
5. Maintain liaison with other partners, GO and NGOs forcollecting/sharing information in the assigned area;
6. Facilitate different workshop/training program in local language;
7. Keep all records up to date and file in a proper and efficientmanner;
8. Facilitate relationship building and communications relating toICBRR activities between the CRC field office and the PMI at branch andsub-branch levels.
9. Support CRC field team and PMI-DM team in terms of programexpenditures and reporting as per CRC financial procedure;
10. Assist the Field Area Manager in any technical aspects of ICBRRprogram component.
11. Support PMI chapter and branch offices to prepare financial andtechnical proposals for the implementation of program activities.
12. Establish and support the link of PMI ICBRR activities to CRChousing, livelihoods and water and sanitation programs.
13. Support the networking efforts by liaising and coordinating withcommunity and district level NGOs, PNSs, and the organizations to ensurethat effective working relationships and information sharing channels atcommunity or district level with the Canadian Red Cross are maintained.
14. Draft correspondence letters and weekly/monthly progress reports, asrequested
15. Provide technical assistance to other CRC sectors as required
16. Provide translation or interpretation as required in the field.
17. Prepare written report of the program activities in the field ofassignment.
18. Undertake other duties that may be assigned from time to time whichare commensurate to the position.

Applications should be sent to recruitment.<mailto:recruitment.id%40redcross.ca> id@redcross.ca quoting the Ref codeICBRR-FO as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the job title on thecovering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Only candidatemeeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered. Applications mustbe received by Friday, October 19, 2007.

Canadian Red Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race,gender, religion, or political affiliations.

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