
School Management Specialist Needed

1. Introduction

The objective of DBE-1 is to develop more effective decentralized educationmanagement and governance. The project aims to develop an education sectorthat (a) is effectively and efficiently managed by local government agenciesoperating at different levels of the education system (district,sub-district, and school levels); and (b) has strong governance relatedagencies that effectively voice the aspirations of all stakeholders. Theproject seeks to promote local government management practices that aretransparent, participatory, responsive, and accountable (i.e., practices that are guided by principles of good governance). The education sector as awhole will benefit from continuing interactions between the executive branchof government, the legislature and organized civil society.

DBE-1 program duration is five years and the program is nearing the end ofthe second year of implementation. Efforts during the first year focused onthe development of School Development Plans (Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah-RPS). These plans have been developed in a participatory way withstrong involvement of School Committees and the school community. Besidesproviding continued support at the school level, starting from the secondyear of implementation DBE-1 has been providing support for educationmanagement, including planning and financial analysis, and governancedevelopment at the district level, focusing on both the executive andlegislative branches of government, including civil society.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the assignment are the following:
(i)Strengthen education planning and finance capacity atthe district Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan).
(ii)Help develop the capacity of governance relatedinstitutions, which include DPRD, District Education Council (DewanPendidikan), Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and the media to supporteducation.
(iii)Assist in preparing policy recommendations for improvedDecentralized Basic Education Management and Governance.

3. Scope of Work

The Education Management and Finance Specialist (EMFS) will:

a. Study in detail all the relevant documents for education planningand management development, which will include District Long-termDevelopment Plan (RPJP), Medium-term Strategic Development Plan (RenstraPembangunan Jangka Menengah), Annual Plans, including District Budgets forthe current and last two years (APBD), District Education Finance Analysis(DEFA), Head of Region Accountability Report (Laporan Pertanggungjawaban)and Annual Reports of Dinas Pendidikan. In addition to the above documents,study in detail education development plans prepared by higher levels ofgovernment, which include national Medium-term Development Plan (RPJM),Renstra Diknas, Provincial Medium-term Development Plan (Renstra PembangunanJangka Menengah - Propinsi), and Renstra Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi.

Strengthen education planning and finance capacity at Dinas Pendidikan Kab/Kota

Capacity Development Planning
b. Assist Dinas Pendidikan in developing its capacity to manage theeducation sector more effectively and efficiently. The capacity developmentprocess is comprised of three stages: (i) conducting a capacity assessment;(ii) preparing a Capacity Development Plan (Rencana Pengembangan Kapasitas -RPK); and (iii) RPK implementation. The RPK will be prepared on the basis ofthe manual for RPK preparation developed under the project. The RPK is amulti-year plan identifying the actions that are planned to develop DinasPendidikan's (i) planning, financial management and human resourcemanagement capacities; (ii) capacity to effectively support schools; and(iii) what the Dinas plans to do to ensure that it performs its functions inaccordance with the principles of Good Governance.
c. Assist Dinas Pendidikan in RPK implementation which will includedeveloping and giving training, providing advisory services, andfacilitating the introduction of new management support systems.

Education Planning
d.Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to prepare a medium-termEducation Development Plan (Renstra SKPD). This task will be carried out onthe basis of the education planning manual developed under the project. TheRenstra SKPD is a five-year plan indicating the actions Dinas Pendidikanplans to take to support achievement of education objectives and targets asincluded in RPJMD.
e.DBE-1 promotes the development of information-based planning. Tothis end, an education management information system will be developed. Thesystem will be either an enriched version of School Mapping 2005 developedby Directorate of Vocational Education or a new application developed underthe project. The specialist is expected to actively support the introductionof the new system and to develop the capacity of Dinas staff to conductrelatively simple data analysis.

Education Finance
f. Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to (i) conduct financialeducation sector analysis (multi-source: APBD Kab/Kota, APBD Province,Deconcentration and APBN) and (ii) prepare concise information on educationsector performance in terms of inputs, outputs and outcomes. Bydisseminating this information to stakeholders, the sector is to become moreaccountable.
g. Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to prepare annualeducation development plans and budgets. The support will be primarilyprovided during the early stages of the planning cycle when sectordevelopment priorities and ceilings are set.

Help develop the capacity of governance related institutions

h. In close cooperation with the Governance Specialist provide supportfor capacity development for DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, CSOs and Media, whichwill primarily focus on assisting representatives from the Governancerelated institutions to develop their understanding of school planning,capacity development planning and multi-year education planning; and how toprepare education policies and budget.
i. Support Governance Specialist in providing assistance for thepreparation of District Government Regulation (Peraturan Daerah - Perda) onEducation in the districts where such assistance is required

Assist in preparing policy recommendations for improved Decentralized BasicEducation Management and Governance

j. Under guidance of the National Team and in cooperation withspecialists working in the other DBE assisted provinces, identify policyissues that should be brought to the attention of provincial and or nationalauthorities. Special attention should be given to, but not limited to,issues related to increasing democratic interaction in education governance,rationalizing and increasing local funding for basic education, andincreasing transparency and accountability in the education sector.
k. On the basis of jointly approved policy agenda, conduct policyresearch and prepare policy recommendations. It is expected that DBE willhave an annual policy agenda and will submit its policy recommendations toGOI by September each year.

Other Tasks

a.Facilitate cooperation between DBE1, 2 and 3 and where relevantwith other USAID-supported programs (LGSP, ESP, etc) in designing andimplementing district strategies to promote better education governance inDBE districts.
b.Provide leadership and assistance to the Provincial Coordinator inliaising with provincial and district stakeholders including SteeringCommittees, Technical Teams and district leadership.
c. Assist the Provincial Coordinator in the selection of Cohort 3districts, establishment of good working relationships including negotiationof MOUs, formation of Steering Committees and Technical Teams, and selectionof local staff and District Facilitators.
d. Assist district education management in involving private sector ineducation.
e. Work closely with DBE1 Provincial Specialists in planning,coordinating, implementing and reporting on DBE1 programs and activities asrequired.
f. Assist districts in formulating plans, budgets, programs toreplicate good practice from DBE and monitoring and reporting implementationof these.
g. Support identification and dissemination of good practices betweenDBE-assisted and not-assisted districts
h. Assist the Provincial Coordinator in other matters as these arise.

4. Organizational Arrangements

EMFS is a member of the DBE-1 provincial team comprising of ProvincialCoordinator, Education Planning and management Specialist (EPMS), GovernanceSpecialist, Data and Information Specialist (DIS), and CommunityParticipation Specialist (CPS). The position reports to ProvincialCoordinator. EMFS will assist in (i) RPK development and implementation; and(ii) medium-term (Renstra SKPD) and annual planning. He/she will take thelead in conducting financial education sector analysis, but will carry outthese tasks in close cooperation with the other specialists working at thedistrict level. As to capacity development for DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, CSOsand the media EMFS will support the Governance specialist on an as-neededbasis.

5. Reporting Requirements

The specialist will meet routine reporting requirements as determined fromtime to time by the Provincial Coordinator. This may include:
a. Activity or Training Completion Reports following project standardsand guidelines.
b. Contributions to brief weekly and bi-weekly activity reports
c. Assisting in preparing quarterly internal reports and occasionalproject activity reports to stakeholders including provincial and districttechnical teams and steering committees.

6. Qualification Requirements

a. At least ten years of experience in providing consulting services,preferably in the public sector.
b. At least five years of experience in assisting district governmentsin capacity/ performance improvement development, preferably in theeducation sector. The successful candidate will have thorough knowledge ofdistrict government, in particular in the areas of district management,planning (multi-year and annual) and finance (familiarity with APBD isrequired).
c. At least five years of experience in the education sector. Thesuccessful candidate will have a thorough knowledge of the education sectorand should be familiar with education policies, planning, finance,performance measures (APK etc.), and practices.
d. Minimum S1 degree, preferably in planning, management or finance.
e. Be computer literate (MicroSoft Office). Ability to use dataanalysis applications (Access and or SPSS) is an advantage.
f. Ability to network among education stakeholders at the districtlevel (strong inter-personal skills).
g. Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to writereports in English is an asset.

Please send detailed CV complete with 3 reference contact details and salaryhistory to dbe1sumut@gmail.com

Closing date for applications is 17 November 2007. Females are encouraged toapply.

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